October 15, 2016


Here in Wisconsin, the leaves on the trees are beginning to turn. With the cool temperatures at night, the lingering rain showers, and the blowing wind, those leaves will soon begin to fall to the ground.

I enjoy fall walks with my dog Kipper.  The sky turns a deep blue and the chill in the air means it’s time for a sweater instead of a t-shirt. I hear the rustling of leaves as Kipper chases another squirrel up a tree. And yet when I see falling, dried leaves on the ground I’m always reminded of John 15:5  "I am the vine; you are the branches. If you remain in me and I in you, you will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing.

Those fallen leaves, no longer connected to the tree, have lost their life source and will soon be compost.

God has a purpose for your day today. He designed it before you were ever born. He has a “heavenly to do list” of sorts, for you.

However, to be in tune with that, we must stay connected to our life source, our Savior. Apart from Him, we can do no-thing.

May our Lord continue to richly bless you as you stay connected to him each day by spending time in His Word. His Word will preserve you from falling.

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